| 1. | The great apes pair and rear their young . 巨猿交配并抚育它们的子息。
| 2. | Earlier studies had shown that great ape culture had been in existence for up to seven - million years 早期的研究表明,大猿猴文化已经存在了700万年。
| 3. | When human infants are a year old , they favorplace - basedstrategies like all the other great ape species do 一岁左右的小孩和猿类一样选择空间记忆法。
| 4. | When human infants are a year old , they favor place - based strategies like all the other great ape species do 一岁左右的小孩和猿类一样选择空间记忆法。
| 5. | But research into our close relatives , the great apes , is surely likely to be illuminating 不过,研究我们的近亲,也就是大猿,想来一定能提供有用的线索。
| 6. | Zoologists also make a distinction between great apes ( including gorillas and chimpanzees ) and lesser apes 动物学家又把猿分为大猿(包括大猩猩和黑猩猩)和小猿。
| 7. | One way of looking at these questions is to compare people with their closest relatives , great apes such as chimpanzees 一个观察这些问题的方法就是将人类和他们的近亲非洲大猩猩进行一个比较。
| 8. | Mirror neurons may also be involved in imitation , an ability that appears to exist in rudimentary form in the great apes but is most pronounced in humans 镜像神经元也可能参与模仿,大猿似乎具有最基本的模仿能力,而人类的则显著多了。
| 9. | Our nearest primate relatives , the african great apes ( chimpanzees , bonobos and gorillas ) showed precisely the opposite pattern of gaze following 与我们亲缘关系最近的灵长类,非洲大猿(黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩、大猩猩) ,恰好遵循同我们完全相反的视觉追踪机制。
| 10. | Our nearest primate relatives , the african great apes ( chimpanzees , bonobos and gorillas ) showed precisely the opposite pattern of gaze following 非洲大猿(黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩、大猩猩)是与我们亲缘关系最近的灵长类动物,它们恰好遵循同我们完全相反的视觉追踪机制。